Thursday, November 09, 2006

Pastor Preservation

There is a new book Preaching the Cross due for release in 2007 and advance details have been provided to Tim and Justin. Compiled from the teaching sessions from the Together for the Gospel conference C J Mahaney has written a chapter entitled 'Watch your life and doctrine' addressed to pastors in order that they make it a priority in their everyday (and spiritual) life.
It considers a number of very important aspects of sound doctrine is not enough and recommendations for pastors to practice accountability measures and the consequences of neglect.

Here is an exerpt:-

As pastors our lives can be filled with reading, studying, sermon preparation, sermon proclamation, and counseling. Ironically, a busy schedule of absorbing and communicating truth can leave little time for practicing truth. But truth must be proclaimed and then applied, heard and then obeyed, preached and then practiced. For until I practice truth, I will not experience the transforming effect of truth on my soul. Faith practices truth by crying out to God in the midst of suffering. Love practices truth by actions of kindness and patience. Humility practices truth by specific confession of sin. Forgiveness practices truth by overlooking an offense. Hope practices truth by recalling the mercies of God. Indeed, I have never truly, fully learned truth until I have practiced truth. In this book, you will encounter much rich truth. I hope you read every chapter, and more than once if necessary. But please understand: according to James, if you consume truth without applying truth, you risk the false and dangerous impression that spiritual growth was achieved without application. But it never is. Never. We must be ever wary of the self-deception of which James speaks. Let’s recognize the limitations of sound doctrine, and make the practice of truth a daily priority. Never stop watching your life.

May we all take such advice and apply the truth, God's truth to all aspects of our lives.

(H.T. Justin and Tim)


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