Tuesday, March 04, 2008

More like a close shave

than shearing season - but then again some people are just as dumb as sheep.

".. Hinn ... is a professional, so he and his minders have got this fraud game down pat. Book your own venue. Promote yourself on your own TV show. A few local churches will happily oblige with further publicity, even volunteers and would have prepared the suckers for a reaping with their own brand of prosperity gospel teaching (local churches like the Assemblies of God, Christian City Church and most independent pentecostal churches). And quickly weed out the imposters at the rally.

And note how it is done: after hyping up the crowd, then fleecing them, comes the promotional side show of "healing miracles". The minders screen those who claim they have been healed for the obligatory interview and fall down. Only the 100% healed get on stage.

But that is how Hinn "stays clean". It's because they say they are healed. And everyone in the auditorium believes them. Hinn just says "praise the Lord and pass me your cheque book".
H.T. Saint