Friday, May 11, 2007


" the word for truth commonly used in the Christian scriptures ("I am the way, and the aletheia, and the life"; "You shall know the aletheian, and the aletheia shall make you free"), is a lived experience rather than a correspondence function of propositions. Aletheia is an event (actually, we should probably speak of "truthing" rather than "truth") that unconceals Reality or Being. It is a moment of disclosure, of unveiling, of revealing. The Reality unconcealed in an alethic event is God. So truth is God's act of unconcealing or unveiling. When we experience this unconcealing, we experience Truth.

There are three moments in the alethic experience. Aletheia refers to the gracious event of divine unconcealment, to the bringing-forth of that which was concealed, and to our response to that which has been brought forth. Unconcealment is a grace, a revelatory moment in which the doors of spiritual perception are thrown open. It's an outburst of divine invitation which ruptures the ordinary. Bringing-forth is this invitation's disclosure of that which is ultimately Real, the unveiling of the great I AM in our midst, of the Presence whose absolute plenitude defies the mind's usual strategies of classification and definition. Accordingly, our response to the bringing-forth can frequently be one of initial panic (there's a good reason why angeloi, messengers from God, are always telling people "Be not afraid!"). But panic is either swiftly or slowly replaced with a lived sense of the Mystery and Beneficence of the unconcealed Reality. A lived sense, not merely a head or intellectual one. As Soren Kierkegaard wrote, "Christianly understood, truth is obviously not to know the truth but to be the truth." Truth in the alethic sense doesn't just add another item to your cerebral inventory. It suffuses your fiber and transfigures your life. It nudges you toward deification."
(H.T Subversive)


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