Learning from the Fall
It's good to see others have also thought about what we can learn not only from our own errors and experiences but also from those of others. Bob has some good comments on the Haggard Sad Saga that are worth repeating in short form. For a more detailed look check out the expanded commentary here.
- Sin is Universal - everyone sins and everyone's sin is the problem.
- Sin is Deceptive - everyone needs to be diligent against sin and the lure of temptation.
- Sin has Consequences - everyone should remember that there are personal ramifications of sin and sometimes public ones - either way it doesn't bring glory to God.
- Sin has One Ultimate Solution - everyone should strive not to sin and we need accountability. God's provision of forgiveness, grace and strength should be what we trust in.
- Sin doesn't have the Final Word - everyone has failed to live righteously and the scriptures reveal many poor sinners used greatly of God. God's plans will not be thwarted and He is still in ultimate control.